Saturday, 16 June 2012

Week 2 Highlights

This week was Jenna and I’s second week at Rwentutu.   Last week we decided which classrooms we wanted to be in and this marked our 1st week of being in the classroom we will be with all term.  I chose to be in the P2 classroom. I will be focusing on Math and English.  This week I focused on getting to know my students better, the specific P2 Math and English curriculum and tried to create engaging lessons.  English is going to be most difficult for me because in Uganda English is taught more like how I learned Spanish than how I’ve been taught to teach literacy. 

This is a photo of one of my students helping me draw a picture of a doctor before an English lesson.

This week for the first time I got to see my students participate in Library.  Library is a time after lunch where my student have one hour of focused reading time.  This happens about three times a week.   Students select books and read individually.  The biggest problem with this time is that most of the texts available at the school are above my students reading levels.  I spent some time in the limited library collection and found small printed on paper books that are more accessible to my students current reading levels.  I would like to use during this time to help students continue to develop reading comprehension skills.   I am very excited about library the opportunity to work with my co-teachers to help develop a daily five like literacy experience during library.

This is a photo of my students and our chalk board after library.  When students come across a word they don't know they write it on the board in hopes that another student will be able to read it to them.  

During our morning break one of my students came and asked me if I eat maize.  When I told him I did he whipped open his backpack and pulled out a boiled ear of corn.  It was a great addition to my breakfast!  I think I prefer getting maize to getting apples….

One day on our way home the van didn't start.... 

This is Edson jump-starting the van.  Luckily it worked, all it took was three batteries, 20 students and a few teachers... :)

We push started the school truck Friday morning! 

ps.  A post with more general information about Rwentutu is coming soon, stay tuned.

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